I'm too flummoxed by seeing "begs the question" used correctly by a mainstream media outlet to think about anything else.
I'm too flummoxed by seeing "begs the question" used correctly by a mainstream media outlet to think about anything else.
Yes, gay people should wait before showering, so no-one feels uncomfortable.
The cultural foreskins were going so well until Kristoff.
This is the most tense "Hmmm, has that firework gone out? I'll wait another ten seconds before trying again" video I've ever watched.
The first wedding of your friends you go to as an adult is exciting.
Oh god, a flood of "It's a tiny penis! I'm a porn star!" internet flotsam.
I once attended a convention a decade ago which was probably for a few thousand people and the biggest drawcard was Dr Beverly Crusher's 4th season nurse assistant.
Germans. Got straight to your hotels tonight and celebrate there.
If you replaced "gay" with "straight", you apparently wouldn't be able to walk down the street or turn on your television without becoming apoplectic with rage.
Then you must have a pretty good insight into how it must be for a gay person confronted with the opposite in 99.99% of media, from every Disney film to every magazine front page to every novel or film ever made.
The saddest I've ever been playing a computer game was in Dragon Age, and the age-old story of bromance-turns-into-romance-turns-into-genocidal-terrorist-turns-into-public-beheading.
Ah, cheers.
The BBC did a fly-on-the-wall documentary a few years ago, when she was taking time out of singing.