Pootie Tang

Just saw this today, these are good questions. Either it is something she said or maybe his bad reputation before the incident colored people's views of what happened.

I checked out the first episode of Terrace House and at the end of the episode literally shouted "What the hell was that?" and then proceeded to watch every episode. I think it is completely fascinating.

The opening was so great to me. Watching her struggle with the cooler and keep pressing on even though it was miserable. I was waiting for something to happen or someone to enter the scene and then that was it and it was simply about the struggle of pressing on dragging that damn cooler out of love and

Throw an orange at her! Quick, eat an orange!
-me yelling at the tv

I collected Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars, but didn't recognize any of these names, or even remember they had names. Then for some reason, the words "Race Bait 308" popped into my head. A Google image search and now I'm crying at work.


Turd Ferguson

A long time ago, I remember hearing a psychologist explain why Beverly Hills 90210 was so popular, and now it seems doubly relevant to reality TV. People get off on the combination of envying and admiring others, while at the same time, ridiculing and criticizing them.

I love the camping trip when it rains the whole time. Any time when we're doing something outside in the pouring rain I say "It's not very buggy today!"