So this is where we’re at. A movie based on the barely even a GAME arcade hit Rampage not only fucking exists, but gets a B- based on the charisma of the fucking Rock.
So, I would hope to see Dems in deep (I almost left the typo ‘derp’ here) red states beating this drum incessantly. Numbers don’t lie and the dirt poor shit-kickers in AR and GA and AL and MS and LA are all gonna feel this crunch quickly.
Welp, good portion of his base is about to feel a really direct, inescapable sting.
X-Wings don’t melt steel beams.
And here we all thought The Emoji Movie would be the bomb that ended his career.
Gwendoline Christie. After she got screwed so badly in Star Wars (and I’m someone who loves both TFA and TLJ) she’s owed this.
Because he’s fucking better than you
Hayley Atwell would be fantastic!
“Mom must come to the bittersweet revelation that nothing stays cute and small forever.”
I don’t know if you’re new to this website or what, but “balanced perspective” and “Hamilton Nolan” are what we like to call mutually exclusive.
Have you ever read this “writer” before? He hates anyone who is successful and/or makes money. This is his tired old schtick.
You’ll never find it, because that early MMO magic was a combination of the time in which those games came out, your younger self, and the “oh wow!” newness of a living, changing online world. Those times are gone.
My first MMO was Star Wars Galaxies back in 2003. That would’ve definitely been during the glory days. I still remember that game so fondly, it was the first and only time I actually made friends I still talk to from a game. You actually needed other people, and while you have raids and dungeons and all that in modern…
Whitesplaining about racism. You should write a book.
It’s so ANGRY!
Seeing this makes me wanna rewatch Waiting again.
I look forward to finding out how the monster in this movie is secretly millennial SJWs too.
The virgin’s blood that she needs to remain as youthful as she was during the LotR shoots almost 20 years ago isn’t cheap.