
Counterpoint: Anime was a mistake. :P

I can’t wait to watch it on TBS while hung over.

Holy shit, if this is performance art, 10/10.

Impressive. In the comment section of an article on moral superiority, you missed the point entirely and exercised your own sense moral superiority. Enjoy those organic apples!

But enough about Arcade Fire.

My favorite thing ever written about Whole Food was done by a HuffPo writer who said that shopping there convinced her that “ ‘Namaste’ was Sanskrit for ‘Go fuck yourself’”

Between the Illuminati, the Freemasons, and the Jews, I have no idea what to believe. Let’s see what Alex Jones or Sean Hannity has to say before we rush to insanely idiotic conclusions.

Took Girlfriend to see Shape of Water, she didn’t like the cat scene but soldered on. That weekend we decided to watch Stranger Things Season 2...

True story. This week, a good friend of mine lost her cat to a sudden illness and took the day off to cry. She said she was going to catch up on the Oscar bait movies, starting with The Shape of Water. Me: NOOOOOOOOO! Don’t watch that.

My main problem with Shape of Water? I think for most people, cat murder would be a relationship dealbreaker.

It has Barbara Gorden being paralyzed and sexually assaulted by the Joker just to drive her dad crazy. Yes she later became Oracle but that wasn’t the original intent of the story. In fact when Alan Moore asked permission from the then EoC Len Wein to have Babs be paralyzed, according to Moore, his answer was “Cripple

Because as we all know WB Executives are only aware of only four DC stories at any given time: Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, Killing Joke, and Death of Superman.

Literal poison for a generation of comic book readers.

The Dark Knight Returns was great until we all realized that Frank wasn’t trying to write the satire we all assumed it was.

It actually bums me out a little that no one’s going this route: hire some talented writers and let them create a whole new superhero universe that takes the best ideas from the genre without having to be beholden to the silliest parts of existing characters’ backstories. With CGI as good as it is these days and the

Akiva Goldsman seems like the kind of screenwriter who unironically says “Pow! Bang! Zoom!” in his pitch meetings.

That’s only because if everyone’s in the barrel, you can’t see their feet.

They are truly scrapping the bottom of the barrel now.

I still think Garrett Dillahunt and Summer Glau were the two best Terminators

They didn’t like The Dark Crystal or The Neverending Story? Sacrilege!