Pootie Tang

I tell my single or married w/o kids friends that kids change everything.

I think article spoke in possibilities, and if the deck was reinforced, I think the answer is yes. Further, should these be deployed on supercarriers, I stand by my supposition that I think many of these could be launched much more quickly. They do not need to be hooked to catapults. They just roll out. Vertical

One could launch or land tons of these in a fraction of the time it takes for conventional aircraft.

Changing morning rumor search from "iPhone 5" to "Nexus Prime".

"21 MBPS" appears to be a very revealing number. 21 MBPS are the HSPA+ "R8" models operating in single carrier mode. Double carrier is 42MBs however, I do not believe China has any multi-carrier articulation so 21 MBs is revealing. This means the internal technology will be related to MDM8220, 9200, or 9600

I disagree, see my reply.

This is only the beginning of the end.

As long as this isn't the iP5!

Lame and incorrect use of Reach Around. Do your homework.

"Calderon tuesday...that he's "talking to an attorney." means an ambulance chasing attorney called him and said "I think I can make us both some money".

After months of enjoying the iPhone 5 mystery hype I am really getting tired of this. I think Apple should just announce it now. This is starting to get irritating.

Lame. I use an iPad2 with the iPhone App as my cell phone. Nothing matches the awesomeness of whipping that baby out of my double-breasted coat and putting it to my ear with both hands and saying "GO" in a meeting.

Apple is having fun throwing out red herring 4S tidbits while the Chinese case manufacturers have had it right.

I like cantaloupes.

Cigarettes, iPhone 5, iPhone 5, iPhone 5, iPhone 5, iPhone 5, Cigarettes, iPhone 5, iPhone 5, iPhone 5,

It also glows in the dark, so no need for lighting!

Good for China. China is a partner, not an adversary. It will be nice to have help out there. Now, if they only had planes that could land on it and take off from it.

Now we're reporting in iPhone 5 clone sightings?

The iPhone 5 is WATERPROOF?

What, no map cache apps? I need one.