
I watched the handshake a few times last night. Brooks definitely says “My Bad, My Bad, i am sorry”. So clearly Coach K is not being accurate.

Responding in a manner that LaRoche and his son would understand, Williams stated, “I got kids with me, got a lotta kids with me, not in the club house, keep that shit in little league.”
He then lamented that LaRoche never called him on his cell phone any more.

Bonds is a Pretty Effective Dude when it comes to hitting instruction.

The NHL explained the delay by stating that they had run into some clerical issues, but it’s not really their fault because they didn’t even realize the clerical issues were standing there until it was too late.

The Maple Leafs are still figuring out how to play 5-on-5.

(penalty handed down)

Yeah, it’s interesting. I guess when you sort of just consider what he’s done so far, you kind of have to wonder what’s going to be next for this guy and what kind of thing he’s going to be doing in the future. Looking back on his whole career, it seems like he’s reached a point where the big decision is where to go

I’m pretty sure that’s just his instruction to the artist.

Why does the New York Attorney General care? There aren’t any NFL teams in New York state.

His boob has all the milk you’d think you’d ever need, but it doesn’t come out when you really, really need it.

Bombers are 100% the worst deal in beer. $8 for a bomber of Dead Guy? Get the fuck out of here, Rogue.

Even better was the fact that the interviewer didn’t seem to recognize Long

Apparently, Plan B was to have Terricka use a diaphragm, but there was a conspiracy among Antonio’s teammates to Buster Skrine.

I particularly like that, at some point, Griffin had this taped somewhere else, moved it, then had to remove the tape from the bottom corners and tore off some of the printing.

This is a review written by a bear. A bear.

I don’t know why you didn’t just use a full length portrait and eliminate the uncertainty.

Guest - “That’s cool.”

Why butterflies, everyone asked? Lauren explained that she and Bobby had been moved by a Radiolab podcast about the transformation of the butterfly in chrysalis, which resonated with them (her) in terms of the transformation that marriage would bring to their relationship.

How do you know if it has gone bad?