
Not to put too fine a point on it, but are you white? And coming from a Western European country (or Aus, NZ)? If so, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Make sure you check TSA regulations for your flight home though. If you are any shade of brown and coming from Africa, Middle East, Central or South America? Canada

Can we do a normal meter check? How did he fuck up?

Congrats to you and fuck them both!

Talk about everything. Courtesy is important! Express daily your appreciation and love. If a distance opens, address it immediately. Never, ever say things in a fight just to hurt. There are only 2 votes in a marriage between 2 people, no one else gets a say. If there is any topic that you are scared to bring up with

I had no sense of boundaries and no worries about miscarriage so pretty much as soon as I found out. 6 weeks and 4 weeks. I wouldn’t do that again.

You do understand that most women don’t put botulism in their face right? Maybe watch a leeeetle bit less Real Housewives.

Well then by all means, let’s leave the kids there to be molested. There is only so far “she’s brainwashed” gets her. She has access to the internet. She could make changes. She doesn’t have to keep breeding with a incestuous pedophile and yet.........

I was responding to you with the same level of sanity you are displaying.

I’m going to stick with Naresh Uppal more than likely not being racist. You are reaching, not every situation is a worse case scenario and frankly, you seem like you are looking to demonize this guy really specifically.

Midol or GTFO. My husband is even a fan now. But if he takes all of it he will go out and replace it so it’s okay.

That’s hilarious. It also may feature a picture of one of my sister’s signature dishes. Her version of shepherd’s pie that has a layer of kraft singles. 

I see mention of cooking, evidence of serving, and yet nothing about eating. I got bait and switched at a dinner party once. I bit my tongue and ate a dairy and gluten free lasagna. I wouldn’t even pretend to be able eat......whatever that is. It looks like something you cleaned off the bottom of a really old fridge.

You are without question the worst writer on this site. You boiled Aloy down to fucking make up and now you are trying fashion commentary on yet another game with armor designed solely to titillate.


My mistake. Didn’t realize you were trolling. Need to up your game, this is some junior league stuff. Good trolling invokes an emotional response greater than a desire to respond with mild sarcasm.

I did it last year. I have mostly sketchy family history but what I was told and researched on my own matched almost exactly. EXCEPT. I can’t be related to my maternal grandmother. She spent years (preinternet) tracing her family. Traveling to other countries to get exact records, etc. She was the daughter of a German

Among the people who measure whiteness, Jews might be “passing” but they certainly aren’t white.

I’m second gen off the boat and I’m sorry but soda bread is fucking terrible. I love bagpipes, I encouraged my husband to wear a kilt at at our wedding, I have 40+ cousins. Soda bread is the worst. You want to talk immigrant bread? Naan. Alllll day. ALL DAY!