

Joe Rogan is the patron saint of dudes who are not nearly as smart as they think they are.

So, no one told me this was coming out in May.

I mean, he’s clearly talking about “cancelled” as in “not renewed” or “not getting past the pilot stage,” but OK, whatever.

Similarly, movie reviews are long-winded ways of saying “I liked this movie” or “I didn’t like this movie.” And comments like yours are pretty concise (though still, somehow, overlong!) ways of saying “I do not have any interesting thoughts to offer, but I feel the need to say something anyway.”

This is great news for right-wing media segment producers looking to pad out a lean schedule.

Inventory: Films whose soundtracks are infinitely better than the actual film.

Time for me once again to complain to my friends (who absolutely do not care) about how I feel Daft Punk should have had an Oscar nomination for Tron: Legacy. In this essay, I will

While it’s okay to be sad about this, it’s important to remember that both members of Daft Punk still love you very much, and that you’ll always be their number one guy.

They call him Willard...

“She Left Me Cuz Me and My Dog Picked Up Corona In My Pickup (I Want Her Back More Than I Want Hydroxychloroquine), Part II”

“find another time to make this up.”

And her husband directing some shorts.

Wait. They have Netflix on the internet now?!

Zounds!  This is the biggest hit since the Gold Diggers of 1937!

Because that’s not how schools work.

What’s with the obsession with video? I’ve been remote for years. My company’s marched through a variety of messaging platforms, most recently Skype and then Teams. We’ve had video capabilities for years, but seldom used it. The C-Suite folks like to make us stare at their sculpted grins during town halls, but all of

I remain as always cautiously optimistic.

A generation-clash comedy about how we see relationships differently from our parents, and a funny celebration of the complications that bind modern families even as they tie us in crazy knots.

“I’m not bragging or anything, but just so you know, my wife is black.”