60% of the time it works every time

The capitalist system is designed this way. People’s worth is measured primarily in how much we can help someone else get rich. Profit is always put before people. The idea that there are no mandated paid sick days or maternity leave is a perfect example. Costs are rising, wages have stagnated, so it’s much harder to

Nope. Top paid CEOs make way, way more. Even for the ones charging $1000 hourly, and even if they had 80 billable hours per week, that would work out to $4.16 million annually. There are CEOs who make easily 10 times that. Elon Musk made 513 million in 2018, according to Bloomberg.

In my early 20s I had cops show up at my work because some friends of a customer called them with concern he’d harm himself. He’d told the friends I was his girlfriend. I’d never spoken to him other than for work purposes. Never heard of the friends. I don’t even know how he knew my name since we didn’t wear name tags.

It’s a bizarre and creepy tradition among my family to take photos of the corpse in the casket. I don’t get it.

Especially since it’s so focused on his looks only, and now that he’s a little slimmer that’s more attractive? Nope to that fatphobic shit. Would I or wouldn’t I for me is based so much on personality/kindness/humour etc that looks are only about 10-15% of the equation. So when I see people being disparaged or

If he’s impeached, doesn’t that put Pence in charge? I would expect that to amplify the power of the christian extremists. I sincerely hope there’s a way to get them both, but Pence terrifies me even more in terms of reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights etc. 

Also, how do they reconcile “fetuses are precious life” with “children are a punishment for being a slut”? 

Most petite brands with smaller bands won’t go past a B cup. But most other brands that carry smaller bands start at a D or DD cup, so C or D are out of luck I guess. I’m a similar size. 30 band, but I’d need a D wire with a C cup depth. I’m wider set and shallow apparently. After spending many hundreds of dollars

Trump proved that any rich old white man can be president. I don’t think the “literally anybody” applies if you’re a woman or POC. 

100% yes, to all of that. I hope your friend can distance herself from her family’s expectations. Family is complicated and the effects can be so strong. I love the body positivity movement, but am an even bigger fan of body neutrality. I’ve found the more I surround myself with that sort of messaging, the better I

I think our ideas are similar, we agree that we need to encourage healthy habits, but I strongly believe that we need to change the focus. We’ve kept the focus on body size for decades and it hasn’t helped, it’s only gotten worse. It’s what leads to situations like the story in the article of the woman who was

It’s definitely a complicated issue with so many factors, and I think we’re looking at it all wrong. Firstly, size does not equal health. There are healthy fat people and healthy skinny people, just as there are unhealthy fat people and unhealthy skinny people. Focusing strictly on peoples’ size is misinformed and

In my personal experience, it is simply not true that good food is available and people have the money to buy it. I work for a resource centre in the poorest neighbourhood of my city. There are nothing but convencience stores which are expensive and full of junk food nearby. The closest grocery stores are not

I have a couple of friends who are still very engaged and seem quite happy. My experience of it was pretty off-putting so I don’t engage with the culture aside from occasional family gatherings, which I mostly avoid. But I did grow up that way and it’s a part of me. There were good parts, like everything, but not

It’s very much like the FLDS/Warren Jeffs situation. The women are uneducated and basically illiterate. They genuinely believe they will go to hell and suffer for all eternity if they leave. Really, really sad. 

As someone who grew up in what most would consider progressive mennonite communities, I’m not surprised this happened either. The misogyny and sexism gets a little watered down in the ‘modern’ communities, but it’s still there. In the old colony it’s blatant. Sexual abuse is common, and anything remotely to do with

I completely understand re-making movies that had a great concept but poor execution, but re-making movies that were great or became a cult classic seems risky to me. Like the Craft, or Heathers, or Footloose - the remake of which was god-awful. 

Ranch always reminded me of baby vomit. Same colour, consistency, sour smell. 

See also: Lady Gaga despite her work with R Kelly

Naomi Campbell was one of the contacts in Jeffrey Epstein’s address book, which I realize doesn’t mean anything, but along with some of the people on that list it shows that she’s known at least a few mega creeps.