
Don’t forget Brad Wong from DoA!

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

Did...did I really just read about clickbait in a negative way on a Gawker site? With no sense of irony? AND from Patricia? Wow.

May i suggest a little trip to your nearest art museum, to learn the true meanings of words again...

Also not helping, Gawker’s advertising department.


Talk about missing the point. They don’t care about relearning the names. They care that to them it’s Nintendo helping speed along the erasure of their native language and culture as Chinese culture and language is forcibly replacing theirs.

Good to see they’re keeping it relevant. Parodying a 20 year old movie to comment on the current, um—wait, why does this exist? This is dumb and also garbage.

Actually if you clicked it 100 times he would get no stars :D

First comedy and now this. When will Family Guy stop ruining things.

If I had to wager a guess, I’d say millions of impressionable teenagers spending five bucks or so for the same sort of game with different characters. But hey, clowns.

I always thought Toyota Starlet:

It’s possible to beat Dark Souls 3 and have no idea what the hell happened.

The fact that you’re a former soldier and don’t see the difference between this and someone giving a nazi salute frightens the hell out of me.

You equating BLM with Nazism says all there is to know about you.

Yes. Mainly because that’s completely and obviously different.

Isn’t air required for combustion? = )

I think that if you are in jail, and you are sent to solitary there is a good damn reason. I don’t see why we have to feel sorry for those inmates

How does anyone play DS3 until 4am??? 15 minutes and I want to throw my TV into the pool.