
Are you sure it's not a "seeing into the afterlife to talk with Grandma" joke, like it seems to be? It's pretty well veiled, if it's a joke about the XBox seeing you masturbate. Do you see masturbation jokes everywhere? Am I making one now?

No, I meant Skyrim. The artist's portfolio lists the weapon as being the Skyrim version. Additionally, the circular disk at the base of the blade has a square setting behind it, a feature which only exists in the Skyrim model of the weapon. =)

Be honest, how long did you tinker with that one?

Watch this get Delayed and turned into Saints Row V... just like Enter The Dominatrix...

Painted, just in grayscale. Strangely the shot of the backpack appears to be painted in normal colors... Two versions?

please, dont let the facts get in the way of a good blog post.

You've done an awesome job condensing a lot of information into a post that's concise, informative, and horrifying. Thank you.

Thanks for posting that! dunno wtf is that "original" video in the article lol but I was watching it thinking "This doesn't look right!"

oh, let's generalize an opinion because i'm fucking against it.

It does seem like whenever a new comic movie comes out everyone is an instant comic guru. It's quite annoying after the 3478920157389210 time honestly.

I dunno there was something exciting about "solving" the bosses, rather then fighting them. Lost Sinner, if you light the 2 windows then (s)he moves 1/2 as fast, with Mythia (the medusa) you can drain her poison well and she can't heal any more. Those sorts of little things always enhance boss fights that would

How to draw generic characters 101.

This was one of the few boss that was actually visually interesting in DS2 (i.e. he's not one/two armored dude or a copy of a DS1 boss), sadly he was also one of the easiest, was expecting a real second round after putting him down, but nope, really embody the "that's it?" feeling.

I read some nice fan theories on how Blue is actually the evil twin, and Rouge is the good one. Most of it boils down to the fact that lots of NPCs won't join Blue's quest as companions, and he's not available as a companion in any of the other playthroughs. Meanwhile, Rouge will join any other character. Which at

I absolutely fucking love SaGa Frontier. In my mind, it was way ahead of it's time for a JRPG.

So you're saying I need to buy a dozen boxes of ice cream sandwiches?

Not the Archie comics.

I love CinemaSins, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was the closest thing to capture the tone of the comics and really, behind the 1989 Batman film, was the 2nd "dark, gritty" comic movie I ever watched. There were comedic moments, but nowhere near the amount