
you know how when you get into a verbal confrontation with someone, and you feel your pulse racing and your anxiety level goes up a little bit? i got that just from watching this video. but yeah fuck that guy and good on her. she has some serious balls in her uterus.

But you get all the Mountain Dew you can handle!

Holy shit this ballsy. I'm always afraid I'll get attacked or killed confronting a street harasser.

Well, it's just a gif, so it's not like it's actually running on a PS1 somewhere, but I have to say this looks way too good for PS1. Look at the detail in the gun. Did you ever play any shooters on PS1? They did not have anywhere near that level of detail in the guns.

yeah.. youre right....

What...the graphics are way too fucking good for ps1...

If Patricia wrote about games for Jezebel, there'd be no problem. She just likes to bring her gender identity politics to a site that doesn't have an audience self-selected to want that kind of content.

because she hasnt ever had an original thought that wasnt forced into her head by feminazi gamers

You must be new to the internet. Please check the rules before posting.

I don't consider faggot a term against homosexuals, I've repurposed it for my own use as it began to evolve into. I've dropped gay, but I'm keeping faggot. It's a wonderfully foul sounding word with beauty in it as well. So fuck yourself faggot.

to say i dont like patricia is quite an understatement... i wouldnt piss in her mouth if she was crawling across the mojave

you should.... 80% of kotaku's content comes from there (or if we are talking about patricia, 100%)

hurr durrr top post on reddit hurr durr better post this on kotaku since there couldnt be ANY crossover hurr durr

Why the fuck is Peter Dinklage associated with Adam Sandler, SPECIFICALLY, Happy Madison Productions!

Real talk I would watch the fuck out of that.

Maybe you're right, but just imagine a hyper-realistic Leela for a second.

Shes dressed like a Saint's Row 4 character :(

I would propose that any game that engages in anything as retarded as retailer-exclusive gameplay should be repeatedly and viciously attacked by the media and boycotted. Get the word out to all the masses who won't really understand as well.

Was I the only one who rooted against Ducky in Pretty in Pink in favor of James Spader?