
This is the right answer

Nice experience for you then. His stat of 1994 still stands. The team has at least been to 1 super bowl in every decade for the last 40 years.

Nice! way to hate on a city because they were subject to a terrorist attack. you are a classy guy!

Do you even know any Patriot fans? Or that they have sold out every game since 1994 — 7 years before 2001?

Patriots player accused of murder: Cut that day

Including the ones that Belichick helped win for you? Of did you even know about those? By the way anything the Pats have done in terms of walking the line of gamesmanship cheating? Parcells and Belichick did it for every Giants team.

Yes because the Steeler(roids), 9ers(Cap), and Cowboys(admitted to filming signals) were the cleanest teams ever...keep trying.

I love this! f’ing hilarious.

As a Patriots fan, this made me smile way more than it should have:

Why is it such a fucking shock to so many people that a fanbase consisting overwhelmingly of Irish Catholics has such a gigantic persecution complex?

....I think this might be the angriest I’ve ever seen Margary. And that’s saying something.

You’re just jealous that Belichick is better at cheating than Mike Zimmer/Leslie Frasier/Brad Childress/Mike Tice.

You can’t have good guys without bad guys. And we make awesome, awesome bad guys. Shit man, even the cobra kai had their parents cheering for them.

This might just be the greatest response to a Patriots hate fest I’ve ever read.

Put that * next to the seahawks #12. They shouldn’t be allowed to sell that jersey...it should be retired by the entire league in honor of Glorious Thomas Edward Brady.

I wish more Pats fans were like you and just admitted, “yes, they cheated, and I fucking love them for it!” You're much more tolerant than the rest of your lot.

I’m fine with Eli’s rings. In fact I think Bill let the Giants win those games simply so Eli would have more rings than big brother, and get to show them off every year at holidays.

People who think Boston is the best city in the world have only been there and Akron.

Now playing

I could probably watch this for an eternity