
i love you. take my money, spread the word.

i agree with you and have made similar points in other stories but because the gawker commentariat would rather jump to conclusions instead of applying any sort of context or analysis you should probs save your breath.


i think i just vomited up my lunch

i’ll never like this guy after he called a timeout on purpose right as our kicker successfully got us points at the game last year. the kicker redid the kick and fucked up and we lost the game. fuck the sark.

please, please fill me in right now.

Excellent work Dave and Deadspin. The public should be made aware of how f’d up Johnson is.

this was a fun read lol. rich/powerful people’s emails are so full of fake ass kissing and shit pleasantries it makes me sick. it probably also means i’ll never be rich/powerful.... :(

I did a quick google news check and no one is really talking about this. Kudos to Deadspin in getting it out there. Keep going!

It’s for the mindless hivemind masses.