
Have you seen Asif Kapadia’s documentary? Her father makes my skin crawl.

gonna be a short musical..... they tried to make me go to rehab.. i said no no no... the end.

There should be a law where exploitative family members don’t automatically become executors of your estate upon your death, even in cases where you didn’t get a chance to write up a will.

I’m not convinced that doing what’s right for you is the “easiest and less emotional work.” Someone else’s marital problems are not the LW’s responsibility. To make it her responsibility may be a form of narcissism, a way to avoid examining her own issues, or some kind of savior complex. She needs instead to focus on

Telling the wife will not be without repercussions for the LW. And hasn’t she been through enough shit already, what with being subjected to 7 years’ deceit? The marriage is not her problem. She needs to wipe her hands of the situation, refocus her life and take care of herself.

Maybe you would...I think it’s best to let them work it out among themselves; the truth will reveal itself if it hasn’t already. Besides, since the extramarital relationship is over telling just looks petty. BTW, I’ve been in similar situations: once, I was the unwitting side piece and the other time I was the last to

Sounds more like you’d be telling her for your sake than hers. When in reality it’s not about you anymore.

I have no idea what job you have but I’d take it for even $40k and 54 paid days off.

Same. I make bank but am anxious and unhappy at all times. Money is wonderful, but it can also be a trap that keeps you tied to something awful

Man, with 54 days a year of paid leave it isn’t like you have to be at this job you hate very often!

I think that’s most people except me .... I get paid well and LOVE my job ( I’m an advanced practice nurse ). I was actually getting a little bored but I didn’t want to change jobs so I recently joined the Army Reserves Nurse Corp ..... talk about a thrill and jolt in my career!!!!! I mean it’s only one weekend a

His opposition is hilarious when you consider that men’s inability to be empathic and sympathetic as well as the outright refusal to adjust to a modern workforce that is predominantly about care giving are exactly why their unemployed asses are getting left behind and women are taking over.

I am so here for lesser-known-genital-component puns.

When we saw your name, we expected someone, well, *different*
you mean white. Just say it.

“You sounded different in the phone interview”

“The problem with the inner city...”

I was naive and I had hope it was more of a case of her possibly exposing some fraud he committed, and him killing her when he realized she was on to him. But no, it’s another case of man killing a woman all so he can get his rocks off.

Pfffft. Pat Robertson threw a hissy-fit when Michelle Obama went sleeveless, but he defended Melanoma Trump’s low-rent cheesecake porn nudie shots as beautiful art that celebrates the human body. He’s brainless.

The greatest joy is knowing Pat fucking Roberson is fucked seven ways to Sunday when he kicks off in....well, really, look at him...just keep checking your watch.

Dat look of utter disappointment/shame he gets whenever he’s forced to honk for our amusement.