Amazing that 60 year old comics are still apropos today. Hundreds of Peanuts comics could run today and be 100% current.
Amazing that 60 year old comics are still apropos today. Hundreds of Peanuts comics could run today and be 100% current.
The only one I’m not too sure about banging is Floki. He’s so pointy. The rest of them? Bring it on!
I had no idea there was going to be a season 2 of this terrible show. I’m going to watch the entire thing.
Has anyone else watched this (or its cousin, The Medici:Masters of Florence)? It’s simultaneously bad history, sumptuous settings, cheeseball trivia, sexy bodice-ripping, and flat out gorgeous.
I’d think that I’d like to see some proof of rehabilitation. Not sure what would do, but I think that most colleges would want to keep sexual assaulters off of campus.
That was /s, right? I mean I laughed out loud and everything.
This rule could really ruin some young men’s lives.
I don’t know if a student can be denied admission because they were convicted of a crime.
While I guess I share their mindset, the persecution of gay men in Chechnya is definitely happening. The insanity of Ramzan Kadyrov is still being greatly underestimated. Putin is letting that guy not only have his own private army, he’s letting himself be extorted into paying for it (to chagrin of Russian security…
That was a good experience for him. Discomfort is key.
He clearly needed help, and likely never got it.
“Some of my best Bachelorettes are black” was also rejected
I wasn’t even baked and had to scroll through the comments to figure out what I was missing.
Me too. My eyes just skipped right over the relevant bit, so I was trying to figure out what the hell was supposed to be clever about “SEASON PREMIERE MONDAY MAY 22.”
When I saw that I didn’t think “lily pad”; I thought “labia majora.”
Once you go black, you never go back
i feel like i should hate the indigo one for having a giant lily pad on the ass, but i don’t. i really don’t.
I’m gonna guess that the writer’s on this show couldn’t think of a tagline that didn’t center on her being black, so they just chose to leave it blank.