
So you’re saying Random Internet Guy knows more about this than all the actual field experts who are recommending taking down feeders? Seems unlikely.

I’m a democrat and I don’t wonder at all about Ohio or Iowa. 

This would have been useful a year ago .. :/

This is what governments are for. Corporations will never police themselves. Stop voting Republican and we have a shot of saving this once-beautiful planet.

Yes we should have only one, like we have only one bread product, breakfast cereal and soup.

Much to the chagrin of the planet

Ripple makes a really good plant-based half and half. Surprisingly creamy texture and flavor.

Big words like that are not in Trump's lexicon. 

I can’t believe you’re endorsing dairy milk given the massive scales of suffering and exploitation laid upon cows, not to mention the environmental damage. There are other options.

Considering Volkswagen's propensity for lying, is anyone surprised?

We should not be intentionally amputating mice fingers for our own selfish benefits. Humans have a disgustingly overinflated sense of self-importance.

Well I, for one, appreciate honesty over bullshit pandering. You can have your pretty facades, I’ll take reality.

George Dvorsky Will Never Comprehend How Long Never Is

Meat is not so great for the billions of animals that suffer and die every year to satisfy human indulgence

Well we really shouldn’t be manufacturing reusable totes from scratch to begin with. They should be sewn together from old tshirts and whatnot.

Not to nitpick, but it doesn’t look good when you’re missing a word in the second sentence of an article.

Yet another link in the neverending chain of humans fucking things up further by trying to fix their previous fuck-ups with new fuck-ups.

This article reminds me of Ellis’ “American Psycho”

Nothing more courageous or honorable than giving disabled kids the shaft. GOP are real heroes...

Doubt it. Kids don’t believe the lies of the right anymore. The right’s failed war on drugs, failed oppression of LGBT rights, failed oppression of women, all the bigotry and hatred, destruction of the environment, greed, corruption, etc.. Kids see the truth in all that now because of the internet. You think more and