He did a great job but his crooked beard is making me crazy
He did a great job but his crooked beard is making me crazy
I can’t even tell if it’s a positive review from only reading the info box anymore.
Sensei you’re now class c rank 2
Is anyone going to mention that after the sheen wears off, this is a dull and repetitive game? All of the animation is the same for all of the Mortys, regardless of their affliction. You basically go into these areas, walk around, repeat fights over and over again with little variation, and repeat. Sometimes you use…
I know this is an anti-weed story, but I’m curious to know what’s everyones all-time-fave game to play high. I say was because I’m 8 years sober, but when i used to smoke weed it was gun.
I agree that she owns it. Listen, I'm no like fashion guy or w/e so what the fuck do I know. But she looks, how do I say this without demeaning myself to seem I'm only commenting to be mean or judgemental or snappy. I'm not. I think the way she dresses is interesting but also it doesn't look good to me. It looks bad.…
If you look on Twitter rn everyone is blowing loads over how good they think this movie os gonna be. It looks SO BAD.
Yeah I thought he screamed because it latched on, too. And also, it seems kind of claustrophobic, like water boarding or something.
I disagree. Kotaku has the best writers and journalists in the game (sorry). Kirk is ridiculously good at getting to the heart of the experience of playing a game. Stephen and Patricia too. It's approachable journalism. Shit.
You forgot wear a snakeskin fedora. Oh, you were SHOWING us in the photo and not TELLING us. http://www.amazon.com/Sakkas-Unisex-…
Stuff like this is why I love this fucking site so much
lol @ asscreed. gets me every time
Yes, the game is repetitive and boring, but I have a friend who lives far away. We both work from home, and playing Destiny is really the only time we get to "hang out." It's really cool because as we get older and move around it seems to be more difficult to maintain friendships with people you were once ridiculously…
Feels good to know definitively.
I thought this was a Mario Kart article. Am I dumb?
The second part of that headline should say "AND SUCCEEDED." Sure it looks dumb now, but if you were a kid when this movie came out there was absolutely nothing cooler.
I don't play pokemon but that chicken or w/e is shaped like a dick and balls just want to point that out
It's coming out for the 3 unfortunately