
they were probably paying HOA dues, they don’t pay directly to the city dumb dumb

LOL you are probably very wrong

hey must be a hoot at parties


go white people!

you’d get fucked up

das racist

stfu you poser

STFU natasha what does that have to do with anything? You’re just trying to derail further.

“Meanwhile, Kotaku doesn’t bother reporting on people who grief newbies because they are a dime-a-fucking dozen.”

Yeah the American rebels should have just lined up in straight lines like the British. What cowards!

“Oh, they’ll hear me whinge about honor in video games alright!”

This guy roots against Han Solo and the rebels in Jedi.

I know you can’t give up the moral high-ground at this point, but please stop feeding the horses.

Wow I bet you’re great to be around at parties.

It’s a behavior. Not all white people whitesplain. Not all men mansplain.