ever seen American version of Dragon Ball Z or The Last Airbender?? Well, some movie deserve a walkout but I do agree, you paid for it and the theater gets your money anyway, so might as well watch till the end.
ever seen American version of Dragon Ball Z or The Last Airbender?? Well, some movie deserve a walkout but I do agree, you paid for it and the theater gets your money anyway, so might as well watch till the end.
while everything you said is true, I just could not un-hear Mario jumping on mushrooms when I was watching it and it kind of ruined it for me since I love Legolas...and pretty much all the other elves.
when I saw Legolas jumping those rocks, I’ve almost lost it and walked out of a movie theater. There was shitload of other effects in that movie that were annoying but that was purely unnecessary and idiotic.
fair enough. I actually like Meg. She comes off as weird but I feel bad she is mistreated as annoying. I can relate.
this is why I like when there are no kids in post apocalyptic movies/TV shows. If you need to show families, have a kid be a teenager that understands the situation and has adopted to it as best as possible. Makes the movie or tv show much better IMO.
interesting. That could make me watch the show again to see how they differ. Thanks
I did not like the the kid of Dr. Eph or whatever his name is. He came off as annoying as that kid from The Walking Dead. I just hope they don’t go off on their own and not follow the book source which, for the most part, they did not do for the first season.
Dear Diary: JACKPOT!!!!
I went to Italy and their architecture and food is pretty good but everything else is just OK, nothing to write home about.
I use it all the time. great resource!
thank you!
As someone who is learning HTML and CSS (and sucking at it), posts like these make me very happy.
ah yes, the flippity flop
I have about 100 or so ancient Greek/Roman coins. They are not worth much. Maybe $30 each but sometimes I like to look at them and imagine the lives of people who carried them. I also have few 1600 ship wreck coins.
when I went to dentist for my braces my dentist had yellow-ish teeth and his breath was horrendous when he spoke to me.. I know he can’t work on himself but he would at least know how to kill bacteria and brush his teeth regularly to maintain a clean mouth.
I think a lot of these were done half assed...or for comedy purpose.
welp, my penis just went into a defense mode. Thanks a lot, Gizmodo!
obligatory "kill it with fire"
a bit disappointed. Some of the scenes are very normal like running or looking at someone which in my book is far from "greatest"
not something I need in my life, but alright.