
I got no money but this really is one of those things you buy for a rich relative who literally has everything. This can be hanging around his Olympic size indoor pool to freak out/amaze equally rich friends.

How could you possibly think this was real? I would ask are people really that stupid but there's no point to that when we all know the answer to it.

where was this damn thing when I was struggling and ripping out my hair in my high school/college math classes? Now that I don't need it, it pops into freaking reality.

never saw this show. anybody have an input on it on whether it is similar to any other shows they saw or is this one of those unique shows that is so different from anything else they ever saw?

one question: how old are these carvings that are displayed in museums?

Mrs. Davidson - grades 5 to 7. She was this 5 '6" curly haired woman who was in her thirties who loved to help out everybody. I moved to the USA around that time so I got her as my first teacher. I was terrified since I could not speak English at all. She always smiled at me, walk me through things, spoke slowly,

I was not even a bit surprised that this occurred outside of US schools.

with few Jokers and a Riddler sprinkled in. Oh, and there's Poison Ivy

my thoughts exactly. it sounds like science fiction but considering how we keep finding weird creatures on a bottom of our oceans, I think we are overdue to find some creature out of Lovecraft story.

I am hoping they will find something like this. Fingers crossed.

While I do agree that soldiers might have some sort of mecha armor to carry more weapons or material, i see future wars fought with highly precise stealth weapons and drones. There will still be human casualties and probably lots of them, just the targets will be killed from high above instead of wiping them out on

oh snap, i just got it. haha I can be very slow at times. At first I just thought it was nonsensical comparison. Thanks for the heads up. Oh man, this could be considered my slowest moment of 2014.

Why does it say "Mark on the set of..."? Does he have someone who updates his Tweets for him? Not much important, just being curious.

is that Millennium Falcon to scale or did this type of dinosaurs really get that big? I know, sometimes I ask stupid questions.

Meh. I thought it would have a bit more aliens. The whole gig of humans going nuts in space is not too interesting to me. It does not bring anything new to the table IMO.

Holy crap! That was an intense commercial! Too bad I only got some yogurt in my fridge and some expired cheese.

while cute and cool, I still think it is kind of useless/unnecessary. IMO, not worth the 33 bucks +tax and shipping.

not sure if they are idiots. they get smarter with each act and we have more and more people in this country. scary thought on what they could potentially pull off.

that's it, I am buying a vibrator...well, maybe a prostate tickler!

yes but this is a horror movie. you turn around, go to bathroom to brush your teeth and come back to a doll sitting there while its head slowly rotates to focus on you. standard creepy doll movie cliche.