Yea absolutely. GameStop has had an opportunity to drive new sales to their store by matching Best Buy’s GCU and Amazon’s Prime discounts, but they keep missing it.
Yea absolutely. GameStop has had an opportunity to drive new sales to their store by matching Best Buy’s GCU and Amazon’s Prime discounts, but they keep missing it.
I disagree. Yes digital sales are hurting brick and mortar retailers. However, when Sony has sold ~54 million PS4 consoles in 3 years and Microsoft has sold ~25 million in the same time frame, that certainly tells us that the console is not dead. When the 3DS has sold ~6 million and the 2DS has sold ~5 million…
See this is EXACTLY what Kotaku is good for and should do more often. Actually call out GAMING related companies and businesses that conduct shady business practices at the expense of their employees and gamers alike.
Yea I think that is the exact same thing they think when I go in. Either I am buying something for a possible kid of mine OR buying a gift for someone else.
I should have rephrased my question I guess. I understand the tactic is designed to try and upsell products, pre-orders etc. What I was driving more at is the guidance GameStop corporate gives in relation to posing those open ended questions and why their employees always seem fundamentally condescending and willing…
What’s the deal with the open ended questions and fake conversation every employee needs to have with me when I’m in a store? Every employee in many different stores treat me like I’m not a gamer or don’t know anything because i come in dress clothes from work and I’m over 30. The thing is I’m a huge gamer, own every…
We were always trying to find Yoshi. Lengend had it after 120 stars and a secret one you could get him in the tower of the castle.
It isn’t just about the “thermic effect” of food. If your eating several small meals you aren’t just keeping your body working but you are satiating hunger and avoiding over eating during your main meals. Again, you need to watch what your eating if your eating more frequently but having that healthy snack between…
Missing meals will trick your body into storing fats. It makes your body think it’s not going to eat so it stores everything up. Won’t happen from 1 time but if you constantly miss meals and change your eating schedule all the time it will.
Ignore most of this crap. All you really need to do is eat mostly healthy. Snack but snack healthier. Don’t skip meals ever.
100% agree
Manning is a traitor. She did what she did not to be a whistle blower to wrong injustice or alleged crimes. She did what she did out of spite and being hurt that no one liked her and she couldn’t adapt and function like a soldier.
This makes me sick. Manning is a traitor and deserves no sympathy.
The Wii U is a failed experiment and NOT even remotely an amazing console. I like the Wii U because of Nintendo s games but that is its only strength.
The Wii is the 5th highest selling console ever AND of those top 5, 3 are Nintendo products. GAmboy, D’SOUZA, and Wii
How do you have 90s shooters especially if they were “new” to you back then? They were new to everyone back then since that is essentially when and where the genre started.
shit list
Also that tofu and organic free range kale is not enough to support their frail pale bodies through sustained combat operations.
If that is the case, then shouldn’t she just be honest with her “bf”? Providing a perfectly reasonable explanation for a behavior goes miles in solving or avoiding issues.
What a shit garbage list. So where is Deus Ex, Watch Dogs 2, Dishonored 2, Battlefield 1? Dying Light? Doom? XCOM 2? This list reads like a 10 year old’s Xmas list and ignores almost every good game that came out this year.