
It may not be “easy” in the traditional sense but it is by far a luxury to make your living making YouTube videos out of your house.

Boo Hoo. Learn to read what you are signing and are agreeing to. If you can’t do that, you can’t suddenly be surprised and call “bullshit”, when things don’t work out how you want.

That specific storyline was created by and answered solely by MGSV. It had no real impact to the story overall of it didn’t exist. That’s what was so disappointing is that it really didn’t answer any questions or fill in any gaps. I liked the whole venom thing but it served no real purpose. If anything it just made

There are some HUGE holes and things left unanswered if the game ended at 50 that no other game in the series addresses. Which meant that either a sequel to MGSV would answer and the ending was unsatisfying or they cut a bunch of stuff. We now know they cut the real conclusion to MGSV story .

With the way the story turned out? It was like a Novel that was missing the final chapter and each subsequent chapter had a few pages missing. Also this novel was volume 7 of 15 and it was missing volumes 3,4 and 6.

Felt like they finished the actual game but cut or didn’t finish all the cut scenes and dialogue around all the missions.

You can’t easily compare the two. However, ticket and merchandise sales come after someone has bought into the album or band and made that initial investment. DLC and such are after a gamer already bought into the IP/product as an addition to the main game. It’s extra revenue based off a product you already have out.

DLC and microtransactions.

Nah, don’t think so. Disagree completely. Friends end up fucking.

Exactly. The fact she wants to hang out even after he asked her on a date leaves the door open. I take that as she wants to get to know him better andb trust him before taking it further. Its by no means a green light.

I find her personality is more arrogant than confident. I can’t stand her or her show, I just don’t find her funny. She comes off as trying too hard in a way that isn’t genuine.

Sorry, I meant woman logic. Yea she said no to dating him. She still wants to hang out knowing he has romantic interests. I wouldn’t say take that as a sign to bone, but the door isn’t totally closed.

All great and accurate points.

Amy Schumer is not the bar that women should set their standards to. Not in attractiveness and not in personality.

From the guy who sounds like he is 5"6.

Leg AND shoulder roomy minimums.

Here is the thing, she isn’t just naturally better at sports. It is whether or not she is physically a woman to fairly compete against other women.

No one is doubting she is a woman. What they are debating is her biological mutation that gives her an unfair advantage in the sport.

I don’t blame Hello Games. I feel like gamers just jumping to conclusions about what you could do or what the game SHOULD have/does have got blown way out of proportion.

Think long and hard about the difference between those games and this one. Solid and Peace Walker are just 3d versions of the original games with alot of game play additions but at its core they are essentially the same. I don’t remember much about Acid since I never bought it.