
I remember playing tyke Virtual Boy a few times at Toys R Us as a kid and even then I found it to be not that great. That was the one Nintendo product that I never begged my parents for. Even my Dad,who bought plenty of ridiculous NES and SNES half working peripherals saw no value in the virtual boy.

Threw me off when you said 7th gen. Retro to me is like before everything went 3d and disc based. Especially since alot of stuff ps1 to recent is pretty widely available

Retro is pretty much anything before ps1 era

I’ve been playing Fallout Shelter, and I can honestly say I am VERY disappointed. The game is little more than tap on resources and wait to tap again. It is the worst type of mobile game that keeps sending you notifications and requiring attention every 45 seconds. Wait, Wait Wait...Tap for Power...wait...tap for

I’d say you have bigger issues than playing or buying video games. Also,no one pirated FF7 on PC since 1998??

FF7 was released on PC in 1998. No excuses.

Delivery? Back of a truck with a suicide bomber. Doesn’t need to be fancy just effective enough.

True, but if Japan were doing better in the war, or had the resources to push the program sooner ,no doubt they would have used them on anyone they could. I don’t think they would have taken idea to use the weapon as seriously as the US did.

Trolling? Nope. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the Jezebel Man-Haters Club. AND if I was trolling, I would be good at it since I got a significant rise out of the JMHC. Plenty of long winded, lopsided, hateful opinions spouted as facts.

This was the original post.

My comment had nothing to do with the female ghostbusters. I’m not excited for the movie, but I also don’t really care about it. My comments were a response to a random hate filled comment about men.

How did I insult them? I was responding to a comment

There was no hate in my comment. AND if anything, it was in response to a hate filled comments towards men.

My comments as hate speech? it is called an opinion. I don’t know what MRA is and I have never belonged to any hate group, nor would I ever. I preach tolerance and equality for everyone. Don’t like my opinions? Just ignore them. Too easy, except for the overly sensitive.

So I guess men should just wear pants that expose their dicks, or short sleeve suits to show off their toned and muscular arms right?

I will never stop being an ass.

its actually a biscuit.

LMAO. This attitude here is probably why men hate you

Usually it’s because of ignorant comments such at this. A man has a problem with something, and women respond that he must be insecure, or have some sort of trauma, mommy, issues etc. Men and women are different, and there are certain things we will never see eye to eye on.

No one knows these women as”Ghostbusters”, except for those who have seen the images mainly on Twitter. Seems kind of ridiculous they would parade themselves in costume for unknown characters, in unknown costumes, for an as of yet still in production reboot of a 30 year old movie....