Live by the Hanes, Die by the Hanes.
Live by the Hanes, Die by the Hanes.
Live by the Hanes, Die by the Hanes.
Live by the Hanes, Die by the Hanes.
So Rock Band, Rock Band 2, Rock Band 3, The Beatles Rock Band, and Green Day Rock Band all released in 3-4 years would not count as yearly releases and over-saturation? Not counting all the additional paid DLC and Band track packs.
Yea, I think we are looking at it two different ways. I am not judging it by what is or isn’t impressive, because yea I would agree Kasparov’s skill is amazing. I’m not looking at impressiveness, I am just saying the skillsets don’t translate or really compare. Impressive or not, just like the fighter ace example,…
It isn’t about being naturally gifted to excel at a particular skill. It’s the type of things you are comparing. Someone naturally gifted at using Excel is exerting about the same amount of effort as a professional gamer.
Same here. I can't stand Dust2 anymore. I remember liking it when it was first released because Dust was getting boring and that's all anyone wanted to play. I preferred Militia, Prodigy, and Assault at the time.
I I HATED Inferno when it was first released. Just something about it bugged me, but fast forward like 10 years and I prefer it hands down to Dust2. Dust/Dust2 are just boring and played out to me.
Try playing a traditional sport at a high level and try playing a game at a high level, then come back and make that comment.
Professional or sponsored gamer seems about the right term. One that doesn’t seem so cringe worthy lol
I get your point of view, and god knows I hate hipsters...but your in sales. You need to adapt to the consumer and who is potentially buying your products. Yea, it sucks to have to deal with idiot kids who couldn't figure out how to tie their shoes without a YouTube video...but that is just how it is.
Walked into a Dodge dealership interested in looking at and test driving a dart to supplement my Jeep for my daily work commute. I was the only customer in the dealership, entire staff ignored me for about 5 minutes, then from across the room I was asked what I was interested in. I said: "I wanted to take a look at…
Could be anxiety, or some other issue that your not functioning as well as you perceive in social situations. Maybe you are unable to read people or situations well and in turn you become “that guy”. Maybe there is some sort of habit you have, or way you speak to people that turn them off.
Annnd this is why you don’t shit where you eat. Work relationships are a HUGE gamble. Either they work out and you get married, or it is bitter and miserable until someone quits or gets fired.
hahaha mine does the exact and thing when I play CS. She tries to talk over it no matter how loud. ..or if I have headphones on.
like your wife decides she NEEEDS to tell you to finally do the gutters its been 3 months and that you don't do anything around the house...even though you do......right when your in the middle of a cut
trenches and tunnels are hard to beat when it comes to ways to protect/defend and area using infantry. One of those bread and butter type things. I would wager that it will be around as long as the human race still uses human/humanoid ground forces.
you mean about 14 months? That isn't THAT long ago that the hardware has come down enough for them to break even or make a profit off each unit.
This is all assuming the F35 is actually mission ready and part of the active fleet. 20 years can easily turn into 30.
Just an additional thing. No. My motherboard will not boot to bios with a video card installed. I have to remove it. Tech support basically said it's because I didn't buy their brand of card. The same board has software issues for the USB drivers they admit are broken but haven't patched yet. I'm in the…
first off, fuck yourself for calling me a kid. Second, you can not build a PC without some sort of learning curve. My issues recently have been due to motherboards. Issues the major company do not advertise and admit to only after you call tech support.
The real issue is building a comparable PC for $400 or less, including mouse and keyboard. A system that will run everything at the settings equal to the PS4, for 8-10 years without issue.