
I dont think sleazy is an accurate term. More like an opportunistic businessman. You are providing a service to these people by giving them cash for their stuff. It is FAR easier to sell it to a pawn shop than to sell it anywhere else, even ebay. Then ebay AND paypal take a percentage as well. Then you pay for

Quibbids is like the Vegas slot machine version of ebay...in fact no...it is NOTHING like ebay except you "bid" on stuff..and there is a "timer". It is actually a beautiful scam and I wish I thought of it.

Huge fan of the NZXT Kraken x61. Insanely quiet at idle and even during high load games. Idle temps are upper 20s. Gaming temps 30 to 48. Farcry4 on ultra usually gets highest temps, but still very quiet fans.

No mention of the Stryker? Probably one of the best modern examples of a modular system.

This is just dumb. Speed runs are cool, but what's the merit in saying you beat over of the greatest games of all time, the fastest, when all your doing is actually glitching over the entire game.

Yes, an Italian family would do that for a close friend, especially if they were close with the family growing up.

and.....everyone else that boughtthe expansions. ....which is his point I think

Did he get on the team based on how he played using the cheat though? I wouldn't trust his testimony that he only used it for a week, how would Valve know if he stopped?

If you don't understand why, then you had no soul to begin with.

What is the ww2 content in the game?

The A10 is an amazing aircraft and weapons system. It is the modern p51 and we would be seriously gimping ourselves if we lost it. The A10 has a specific purpose, while the F35 is a Jack of all trades but master of none.

Most of these aren't remotely funny

Darn another troll

Oh, thanks for explaining that to me. I guess I just didn't pay attention. :p

Exact5 my point, no one knows.

Is that a dinkle bot joke?

How about who you are, how did you die, how did you not decompose. ..or where you bones? What you remember before you died. Why are you in russia.

In the new update. ..

Om omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg. Tie fighter is probably THE best in the series and one of the best games ever

Great surprise of a game. Good mix of new and old school shooter's