Poop Culture

If “giving a fuck about users” is a resource, and you had any of it, then there’s no way Univision could hope to compete with you.

(But also forgot to make sure the commenting worked)

Nope. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of Kinja.

I’m trying my best here for you AVC, but damn this is one ugly layout. Can we put the old AVC site in the unused left portion of the screen?

It’d be great if you all could add the basic ability of letting us change our account password.

When Google Reader was shitcanned, RSS became dead to me.

The headline could still be Game of Thrones Director Confirms Rumor or some such. I agree the director is a jackass as well. But it wouldn’t have been that hard for the headline writer to not share spoilers to everyone.

Kids today.

She lives in Canada. You wouldn’t know her.

it’s insane, this guy’s taint!

Oh hey, this post is centered. That sure looks a lot better

Look, if you’re going to be all reasonable and shit we’re just not going to get along at all.

There’s an “Aa” button on the top right with formatting controls for all sorts of stuff. Also, it looks like the normal keyboard shortcuts work too.


I don’t want to overstate the case, but this grey/ungrey caste system is the worst idea in the history of ideas.

Hey, do you guys mind if I store some of my stuff in the white space to my left? I’m between apartments and you guys seem to have just tons of room in here.

Mister Kotter gotta lay off the knish!

Wait a minute, if you rearrange the letters of Caitlin Rosberg it spells “James T. Kinja,” the founder of Kinja.com!

Ernie is the best, don’t bad talk Ernie to me. Ernie is beloved. He contains multitudes.

LeVar Burton: I remember doing the obstacle course against Kurt Russell. I don’t remember how I did, but I’m going to say for the purposes of this conversation that I smoked him.