Poop Culture

Why didn't any of these jerks want to talk to the guy who played Spidey on those 1970s Electric Company segments? No respect for their elders.

I would not have blinked an eye if this post had instead been from Reposted a7x

Harvarti har har.

*snap snap*

Fine…fine…you guys broke me. I'll buy some bacon if it'll pay for some proofreading.

To tie a piece of string around? Everyone wants one of those.

But it works really well for POV doggy style.

2010 is finally here in the Poop household. After playing through Fallout 3 a month or two ago, I started Fallout: New Vegas yesterday. Playing on the 360. I'm liking it so far more than 3 (which I thoroughly enjoyed) especially that the world seems even more lonely and sparse. But I think I need to uninstall all the

That LaCroix burp aftertaste is the worst.

I can't believe it's not butter!

No one wants to read your fanfiction, nerd.

You just wanna bust that body.

Buffy/Clem 4ever! All that loose skin is hawt!

Is "Flaping Lips" also broken Polish?

That's what I'm going to do for now. But we'll see how I feel about the portability aspect in a few months.

Understandable. I'm a Mac guy so play most of my games on a console.

Yep. was thinking about doing so for PS4 in a few days but am going to hold off for now after this news.

Portable Skyrim sounds pretty fucking fun to me.

Ugh, you stink!

I figured it out: Lindsey is the worst.