Poop Cooper

Now when someone asks how she could support Trump, instead of admitting that she voted for a racist xenophobe, she can say it is because someone threw an egg at her.

I choose to stand with the ridiculed, the insulted, the belittled.

By the same argument, she is saying that everyone on the left is an egg-throwing psychopath.

First they came for the Eggos, and I cried not, “Leggo!”

lol let’s see how the right protested Obama’s Presidency...nope nothing racist there!

I keep seeing different self important declarations like these about how someone assuming the person supports Trump was the last straw to push that person over to support him. What they are really saying is they know it’s socially reprehensible to go along with some of the more extreme ideals and are looking for an

I think you maybe missed the point of her op-ed which was, succinctly, that she has chosen to embrace an ignorant, self-obsessed charlatan of a political figure because someone threw an egg at her once.

a Goldwater-Reagan-George W. Bush girl

It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

“I stand with people who are tarred as bigots and misogynists—or even egged—simply because of their views on taxes, health-care reform or government entitlements.”

Considering McCain was, like Rubio, just re-elected two months ago, he’s probably not expecting a primary challenger in 2018. He’s just politically spineless. He’s more likely to get visited by a tall gentleman with a cloak and scythe before his term is up. Graham isn’t up until 2020.

I was more betting on John McCain’s pettiness.

I hope Evan McMullin takes this guy’s seat—I’m a Democrat, but if he runs, I will donate to his campaign to help get this little piss ant out.

Her poise today was outstanding and her strength is so admirable. You would not see me acting that conciliatory if I were in her shoes.

Jesus Christ, I hate this useless fuck. He played chicken with millions of American lives, and now, even after we all lost, he doesn’t have the decency to do what he can to stop Trump. Heartless, incompetent, sociopathic cunt.

Can we the people sue him or something? Seriously. He’s not doing his job. He is not doing ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE in his position, and he’s gloating about it. He’s a fucking cancer in our government.


How amazing of Hillary to look him straight in the eye and say, “no one will ever remember you.”