Poop Cooper

We call that Freedom Foam.

This is not a “protest”, it’s a statement!”

They do realize they’re setting themselves up for a whole lot of spit in their coffee, right?

Are you fucking kidding me?! I missed that this asshole didn’t even bother to vote and was still spouting that false equivalency bullshit until the very last fucking minuet. Jesus fucking christ.

Oh for god’s sake. No one is arguing that non-voters don’t have the LEGAL right to complain. The argument is that they lack the MORAL right (i.e., justification) to complain. Which I suspect you understand perfectly well.

lol 1st amendment being brought into the conversation now

Alright, let us rephrase for you. I’ll add a clause so you can get it through your skull.

They absolutely do not; refusing to vote is not a statement in any active sense of the term--it is passive acceptance of decisions that others will make for the silent person.

To abstain from voting and then whine about the result is the very epitome of entitled, privileged bullshit. “I don’t like the game, so I’m not

They really, really don’t. Especially when you realize that, in most swing states Trump won, he actually earned fewer votes than Romney and McCain. It’s just that a whole bunch of people who voted for Obama stayed home.

And we have the right to point and laugh at them for complaining when they did nothing to influence the outcome in their favor.

Their response is limited to “Wow, so that guy won.” Not “Why did they elect this person? He’s not the right person for the job.”

Hahaha, no they don’t.

No they don’t. They’re the most culpable.

Not too busy, but just didn’t want to:

Weren’t you too busy to vote yesterday?

I have a lot of foolish friends who support him as the #NotHillary, stick-with-the-party vote. They are assuredly foolish, but not terrible people. And I pity them because they’re so misguided.