
Especially since the creepypasta lore is rich enough to tell a completely different story.

It’s really odd that multiple outlets refer to that poor child as having been murdered. If there is but one barely bright spot in the whole sad tale it’s that she lived.

Yeah, no. There are 1000000 things out there that can be used as a horror movie subject. A girl was stabbed nineteen fucking times, and yet some asshat thinks that a version of her trauma is an acceptable choice?

*Attempted murder-the child they stabbed thankfully survived but seems to still be traumatized.

My dad and I were just talking about her the other day. He loves the Dick Van Dyke Show and was using my Netflix to watch all again.

Betty White is still alive! Don’t say such things!

NOOOO!! Not Rose Marie! She just joined Twitter a few months ago, and hers was one of the few accounts that was a real pleasure to follow.

hell, this may have been the outcome even if she’d told him to blow after their first date.

Seriously; I’m obviously sorry/horrified about this, and nobody deserved it, AT ALL. But girl, just the fact he was saying any of this shit should have been enough for you to pause, at least.

Thank god he had a gun to protect his First Amendment rights!

White people are always troubled, brown people are thugs and terrorists. Also, it is apparently never a good time to talk about gun control.

One would think the hate speech was evidence enough.

He used to make some decent music...a long time ago. But yeah, even then...

Nicholas Giampa is the name of the Neo-Nazi who killed his girlfriend’s parents in cold blood. I have no qualms doxxing a murderer.

What the fuck. This dude has problems

Was Dylan still in his born-again Christian phase then?

What a sad way for this girl to find out her parents were right about this boy being a monster. I hope he survives to face a trial and prison time.

The Bob Dylan interview in 1987 that broke my freshman heart, and every last shred of respect for him. NB, he adulates U2 three lines later in the interview. Bold mine.

Also, a lot of male rage might be, you know, directed at women. I’m cool with those songs not getting written.*

Oh fuck off. Women making music doesn’t have any impact on men making music. Also where is the genre where women can release their anger? Why do genres have to be dominated by a gender in order for music to be made? It makes zero fucking sense. Are teenage boys in their rooms with a guitar going “but I just CAN’T