
I suggest replacing ‘getting hit by a car’ with ‘getting hit by Steve Bannon sucking his own cock’ going forward

Have you stopped to imagine the possiblility that the indigenous person could have beat the shot out of the PM? Or do you think the indigenous person is somehow incapable of winning?

Yes, a sport that generally results in beating the shite out of someone.

I assume this is true of most celebrity interviews.

I’d like to know how Scaredmoochi came across this information.

Scaredmoochi is basically a the sleaziest, most stereotypical used car salesman alive and should be treated as such.

Uhhhh...too many choices. I give.

Can he do the fandango?

He’s setting them up, and you’re knocking ‘em down.


The affiliated thing could be legit, but otherwise, stupid*.

I remember telling my coworkers when I finally quit.

Smoking cigarettes is cool. Smoking cigars is badass.

Being intimidated by the big baby is like being intimidated by a chihuahua.

You’re not wrong.

The last thing I need is some junkie dog stealing my shit to pay for his yayo habit.

+1 yayo

Technologically, I think that Pet Sounds, as the crowning achievement of the ‘wall of sound’ has Sgt Pepper beat.

I did say ‘band’. I consider Jimi to be America’s greatest musician/solo act. I know the experience was his band for much of his career, but a couple of sessionists would have worked just as well. Ditto with Bruce. But Tom needs most of the Heartbreakers, evident from all the guest playing and writing credits on

Dang it. Why can’t I get video to embed?