

Chris Cornell’s death makes me sad.

Ohhhhhhhhh fucknuts!

Joe Lieberman?

I can dream, can’t I?

But...but...but then he couldn’t enjoy COMPLAINING about it. The most fun thing in sports is bitching about sports, right?

I know you’re a pro, but this is good kinja.

The MLB and the Pirates have 2 choices, should he receive the requisite votes (and I hope he does!):

Hey! That’s the best soap. Just tremendous soap. It really cleans!

And tagged out at the plate while trying to steal home on the first pitch. A strike right down the middle.


But it was the best best graduation speech in history. Best received. They love him.

As if he even know about what the coast guard does!

Next month, we’ll learn that Cobb County pledged to directly pay 10% of ALL county tax receipts directly to the Braves, just because.

The Bears get the honor of really fucking it up this year. You guys are in the clear for once.

Good Bears.

That’s a good bear. But some bear should tell him that he’s a black bear, not a brownie bear.

Several reasons:

I think he’ll step into the kitchen.

This is 21st century America. We’ll eat all the shit, get angry for a few minutes, get distracted, and ask for another helping.