You’re just an asshole. So is Huff.
Hence, “assholes are going to asshole”
pedants gonna pedant.
Aubrey is such a special snowflake, please try not to upset him.
nah, (I would expect) plenty of drivers would have still gone to JFK because they know that getting a fare quickly would be easy since all the other competition was staying away. They wouldn’t have gotten the bonus pay, but airport cab fares are generally the most desirable anyway.
Getting into conversations with cab drivers is often depressing. I had one who had come here with an advanced degree in biology (or some other hard science - I was pretty drunk, so memory is hazy), but had trouble getting his credentials recognized, so he was stuck driving a cab for a living. What a waste.
Did you tell him about the cabbie with the ferret? Seems like cab ferret would make cab driving better.
But, but, but, but Republicans in Illinois keep telling us going RTW will mean Freedomz!!!!!
He was great in Luke Cage. He won for Luke Cage, right?
For the record, a country can be bordered by both sea and land and still be an island. For example:
And no water. Oops.
I live in Colorado. Don’t leave us behind!
*in russian*
After hearing this, Dunp called James Comey and demanded that Comey find evidence that Trump was right. Comey then reclassified 43 suicides as homicides.
You weren’t doing the normal outreach?
Sausage parties are the worst.
Given how many crappy decisions the show has made, I sincerely hope George diverges significantly and ‘fixes’ the shit the show screwed up.