
To be clear, counselor, you are arguing that NFL players do not consent to being thrown to the ground? This makes me want to stab my eyes out with hot pokers. Good day, sir.

I hope she gets the help she needs.

Alright, let’s recap the last few days between the two of us:

Nah. Throw his ass in jail. He’s not mentally ill, he’s just a young, dumb, entitled asshole who won’t deal with his drinking issues. He had his shot to deal with it, instead he abused a woman. Now it’s time he is told what to do for a while.

To clarify why this is so dumb, .269 was second in the AL (DET led with .270) and .014 above league average.

Yeah, but we’re still World Series Champions, so fuck off Fox.

Especially since they stole it from Texas A&M, who have been calling themselves the 12th man for almost 100 years, and actually have it copyrighted. I’d love to see them sue the Seahawks and never hear that garbage from them again.

Is it just me or do Seahawks fans remind you of people who came into money quickly, only to discover they can’t handle being rich?

Honestly, people love to talk.

Not to disagree, but even the Obama admin is at fault here. the EPA appointee for region 5 silenced a whistle blower who exposed this. Also that same appointee clolluded with the state environmental regulators to cover this up. Or so I heard on NPR today.

Hey guys, good job. You did exhaustive research trying to prove this guy to be a liar, but came up short. Alas, you ran with the pointless story anyway.

Well let’s see. I am fine when I visit northern Canada in the deep of winter, I adapt. I am fine when I visit French Guiana, I adapt. People the world over live very well in VASTLY different climates but to you a few degrees and the WORLD IS COMING TO AN END!

The point of the graph is that climate alarmists are WAY overstating the issue.

Charlie Sheen’s sloppy seconds? I’ll take my chances with this needle I found in a gutter.

“I am horrible with names. Go to look up something on the internet, get sidetracked and forget what I wanted to do.”

Describes me perfectly. I’m a couple of years older than you and did not have concussions.

Welcome to middle age?

This probably didn’t help:

He ASSAULTED the ref. He should be out for a season at least.

Like most other celebs, Magic doesn't actually tweet himself, he gets one of his aids to do it for him.

I’ve never seen a Deadspin post that consisted solely of an embedded tweet.

Finally, a former player who we will actually believe once played with a bloody sock.