
These sea sponges honestly think the USA is some kind of Holy Kingdom where Jesus hangs out when He’s not busy crying over the garbage dumps where the ten year olds who manufacture our cheap running shoes live. They really think we can withdraw from all ties to other nations, which is IMPOSSIBLE in every conceiveable

Do you want to do something non-violent and positive?

Yeah, the New York Times ran a piece on how funny it was that all the poor, suffering menfolk in Montclair had to take care of the children for one entire day all by themselves! One fellow even had to miss the game! These are crazy times we’re living in when it’s the women who go off and do the protesting!

Reasoning with them hasn’t helped anything, treating white supremacy like another idea at the table is what got us here.

I hope that author of that piece gets dragged to hell for this. And, I’ll start:

This is what happens after three decades of systematic defunding of the education system. Americans are now braindead enough that they can’t even chew gum and taste it at the same time.

Hell, I’d wear it to my legal abortion (too bad mine was in 1987 - I’m always too late to the fashion party). SAD!

Sohrab is Tomatoface, so don’t concern yourself too much with his bullshit.

While that may be true, the alert level must be raised based on the extremists that are now in a majority in the House and Senate. Plus there are so many people in this country so poorly educated and so hateful of anything with an accent or brown complexion, that this could actually happen.

So not just a twat. A catty, shallow twat.

I’m sure we have different priorities, but you keep on keepin up the good fashion fight, calling out the “uninformed”. Sorry the audacity of my fashion sacrilege ruffles your plumes, dear. I’m happy to share my stars.

Oh dear. Not everyone in fashion is a twat. And I’m not so sure I would call that fiber art fringe “minimalist”. But I’m not a twat.

But that was before Raf, darling. He has his eye on the pulse! Ostentatious and Denial are the new Minimalism.

That’s certainly your right. Just make sure you have a nice, big waterproof stole and a catheter.

Women don’t care about impractical, bullshit fantasy dress-up this year. If it isn’t comfortable enough for crouching in a bomb shelter or standing on a raft for 3 days, it’s nonsense and unnecessary. Get a grip, Raf.

I wish. But the news-ish networks have it so easy with their simple-minded “reporting”. Cheetolini blasts out a twit and example, it affects the stock market. So instead of reporting actual news, the jerkoff new-ish shows will have spent 12 minutes of their 30 minute program balled-up with American Hitler’s bullshit.

So I guess the draft is not far away. Gonna need some low income patriots to go over there and liberate that oil.

They know they’re going to fail. The one thing they never planned for was actually being elected. Now they have to govern, and that’s work, and if there’s one thing affluent whites can’t succeed at, it’s working for a living. All I wanted was to keep up our admittedly too-slow advancement, to maintain the status quo