
Wait, you mean he lied? Outrageous!

Except a Dem majority and Repub majority represent 2 different ideologies, so there’s that.

Bucket of stars!

Dear GW,

You do you, boo. Visualize human rights and convince a Nazi that they have chosen the wrong path. We’ll watch and learn.

Your obsession with stars. Too much Fashion can be unhealthy.

I’m looking forward to a moon shadow. Moon shadow moonshadow. PS Your house is on fire. Let’s visualize rainfall.....

I think we should all take turns inviting a Nazi over for smoothies and some sharing and show them our “better selves”. I nominate YOU to start.

“Being different” helped us contribute to the rise of DJ Trump. You be different. The rest of us will fight.

Except nobody gives a rat’s fuck what Richard Spencer thinks, and nobody’s trying to “change his mind”. I think most of us will settle for Spencer is afraid to speak or be in public anymore. Fucking serious?

“I’m sorry for your shitty education and values”?

I for one have been chomping at the bit for the day that I can finally spend $3000 for an iphone and $120K for a new Ford Bronco. And coal will be the new gold. Trumponomics!

And The First Lady could never be a former escort/catalogue model who speaks in broken English.

I fantasize every day about collecting as many credit cards as I can get my hands on and seeing the world before it is scorched. Stay in the best hotels on the best beaches, micro dosing LSD. Thanks, Trump.

The daily deluge could also have us shrugging our shoulders, which contributed to Uncle Shitbrain’s ascent. It’s already become difficult to know how to react.

If you hate kinja, why are you here, trolling with double burners?

Not just civilians. See also: military personnel, convicted felons. They also think you’re a twat.

My god, so true.

It’s publishers and network heads that keep their tails between their legs.

He’s gotten away with lying and cheating his whole life so I imagine it will go on until they place him into his gold-leafed tomb.