“When you’ve convinced yourself that your enemy is literally Hitler, anything you do seems justified.”
“When you’ve convinced yourself that your enemy is literally Hitler, anything you do seems justified.”
In fairness to Melania, she has been working tirelessly on her Stop To Bully My Sugar Daddy On The Twitter Phone campaign she promised the common American suckers people during Michele’s her Soviet Republican Convention speech.
You die the same way you live.
Dear God,
I would sooner have my spleen and all of my teeth pulled without any anesthetic than watch that assault to humanity on television, let alone show my ass up in person and have to mingle with that assemblage of representatives of Early Man that constitute his supporters.
Whenever I showed up at a party or was seen shopping with my best gay boyfriend people assumed we were a couple. That was 1978.
The 13 minutes between tweets is the time it takes for him to cut his lines of Adderall
“He may very well have won without it. Hell, considering Clinton got 3 million more votes, one could just as easily argue the hacking had no impact at all.”
Roger Stone + Putin + Comey. You tally the inches.
Obama has to be diplomatic. I don’t.
I don’t mind cat hair and we can just pretend we’re married. Do you like lazagna?
He is indeed illegit and we can boot a leader who willfully leads us down a rapid path of destruction. He needs a proper evaluation. That would be productive. And fuck your comparisons to Breitbart, fool ass.
Thank you. I was so bored with my old mantra.
Oh, no problem. Baby Don and Eric will buy it up for pennies on the dollar, Trump Inc. style. (Not joking)
Make no mistake; he is undeniably demented, but the pathology is less complicated. He’s a classic narcissist, which in of itself is problematic. But add ignorant to the mix, and you have a much more dangerous combination. He’s a fucking moron and if you have been living in his playground for the last 40 years, you,…
Dies on top of Ivana, Rockefeller style.
Identify: “lazy people who choose not to work”.
I’m not sure what your questionnaire has to do with my comment but I appreciate the reminder that Trump supporters never deviate from their base, simplistic talking points, and seem to apply their checklist of ignorant, poorly distilled assumptions to every argument. The Hannity Guidebook will only take you so far in…