
The most successful partnerships are developed when values are shared. Can’t imagine being attached to someone when that level of disparity exists. I don’t think Trump creates rifts. I think he has emboldened people with deep rooted bigotry. It is the most painful facet of our new reality.

Some flavors of schizophrenia are hard to swallow.

Like I said, imagine someone like Aretha thinking that her voice would have a healing and unifying effect at a Klan rally. Certainly her right, but it would make sense if anyone was critical of such “naivete”.

Anyone else out there sick to fucking death of trying not to listen to the absurd theories as to why the Trump sheep felt marginalized and offended by the strategies of “ arrogant, elitist, Liberals”? Because criticizing racism, pathological lies, sexual predation, absence of experience, xenophobia, a history of

I agree but it’s a little hard to wrap my head around the fact that performing at an inaugural and NOT considering that doing so would be perceived as support came as a surprise to Ms. Holliday. Woman, no. It’s tantamount to Aretha singing at a Klan Rally. Apology accepted, but you’re dumb.

Raggedy KellyAnn. Made my day.

I prefer tweeked out badgers over anger any day of the week.

What does “have badger” mean?

“And I Am Telling You......I’m Not Going!”

If we’re lucky...

Country singers aren’t famous for their nuanced lyrics.

One hundred billion stars and asteroids for you!

.....and the Trump under eye  concealer.

Oh.....you mean the jovial lady with the brined lemon slices and pine cones!

They are not elf ears, dummy. They are fig slices.

I don’t know what purpose that would serve, but I like it.

As a means of memorializing Trump’s Electoral Coronation, I suggest holes be drilled in the interior walls of the White House, filled with several families of hog nosed skunks. Also, the day before he takes office, they should arrange an Oval Office photo op of Don and 100 toddlers with whooping cough who end up

oh dear, no. Nothing worse than a grey dude with a sad, chestnut rinse. Grey is good.

That’s what the women in my cell said when I showed up in a cocktail dress after a DUI arrest.

How does one “detox” by ingesting processed ingredients?