
Yes, but at least they had the pleasure of enjoying their baloney and sparkling vinegar in a room that was an exact replica of Sadaam Hussein’s office!

I’m sure Ivana wasn’t happy when The Donalt called and ordered her and her latest gigolo to make a Costco run in Lake Worth for those classy kaiser rolls and 10 oz bags of Lays. Probably made her give up a few cases of her personal Trump Sparkling stash too.

There is a place in Hell with his name on it, right next to that other Bavarian war criminal.

Except Bob Dole arranged the call.

Except, this isn’t 1963.

Yes, fuck your family, from my family to yours. Never too late to emancipate.

Motherfucker needs to shut the fuck up and thank Moses he didn’t die in prison.

Request to borrow for my tombstone and jacket cover of memoir, please.

The current climate of white retribution negates the joy. We are being punished for said joy. In equal measure, for as many years, I predict.

Modern “medicine” cha-ching! Keeping dead people in suspended animation for big bucks while people with life-threatening ailments die because insurance. Gotta love progress,

He didn’t “walk back his remarks”, he took a bullet train.

Because the has the personality of a spoiled tween.

In Trump’s defense, clowns are not famous for their intelligence....although most clowns do go to clown school. And they don’t pay people to write their thesis.

I’m sure Trump hasn’t paid his meat bill in around 6 months (because he has an aversion to paying) so LaFrieda is substituting the superior meat for the Special Pink Slime. Clown would never know the difference because he is a classless pig fucker.

Quite the opposite. The Trump Family’s sole purpose and agenda is to allow their husbands the ultimate opportunity to join the exclusive 1% Club, giving them all of the wealth and power they ever dreamed of, while the rest of the bottom feeders blame the Democrats for the con job they are experiencing. These bleached

Now playing

I haven’t stopped cringing since viewing this.

Love your grey! Wear it with pride.

Hillary didn’t lie enough. Trump controlled the narrative by creating false truths.

That hamlet deserves to be embarrassed. It’s the cost of selling out, making what once was public coastline inaccessible to regular humans. Is there really such a big distinction these days between the Hampton’s, Amagansett, and Montauk? New Yorkers aren’t happy or comfortable unless every single place they choose to

I’m thinking of checking into rehab because between Christmas and family, the Inauguration of Dumb Evil, and an series of forecasted polar vortexes , I’m guaranteed to go over the edge. Props to Lamar for being proactive.