Hur durrr muh virtue signaling
Hur durrr muh virtue signaling
Something about this seems off. Terribly terribly off.
Hugo awards have been nominating shit and awarding shit for a long while now TBH. :/ I mean have you ever tried to read “The Third Body Problem”?
So his opinion is bullshit according to your opinion? How would you know? Are you a Vice President of sales for a huge franchise? The article quality here is really diving. They should pay you guys more so you stop sucking.
How is this an article?
The irrational anger most likely comes from your inability to cope with real world pressures and in turn you project it on to others you know nothing about. It seems you may be coming down on this fellow because he is different from you, which may or may not be a double standard if you think about your beliefs…
looks normal and kind of stoked to have gotten so far in a student body election. I do not see any indicators of pain on his visage.
Why is anyone surprised a guy from newgrounds fame is saying inflammatory and deragotry things? I mean come on do some research. This isn’t news it’s been known for years.
The point of the album is not the glorification of anime or videogames. He is just explaining his life to you in a sincere way. Why do you twats always have to glorify shitty media and make it all about what your now cancerous fan base likes. Get back to reporting science. Even though that is questionable too.
“My butt hurts so everyone else has to be ointment to my sore ass”
This websites content has been dead for so long. Final nail in the coffin. RIP io9, you were there when I needed you the most. I thank you for all the hard times that were made easy by witty and informative articles. Now that click bait has caused bloat that threatens to rupture your guts, I say farewell and I hope…