
If the FBI or others in law enforcement want my phone data, they can just call the NSA and borrow their copy.

LoL! Really, I ran across my antique cell phone data transfer software floppies and connectors last week.

My comment was meant to be sarcastic. If you wouldn’t stick an infant or young child in an overhead bin for a flight, then you shouldn’t put a living animal in their either. People are idiots. There is always another way, such as getting off of the plane and seeking alternative transportation.

Yes! It could have easily been avoided by stuffing one of her kids into the compartment instead of the poor doggie.

Sadly, a bidet strong enough to clean my area properly would have to have the pressure of a fire hose or an industrial pressure washer.

Every restaurant is Taco Bell.

And dinner time or later, the restaurants with bars get even worse as the youngs get gradually increasing alcohol induced deafness and get louder and louder talking over the already obnoxious music playing.

Definitely! I’ve been to both in the last few years.

Thank you! You read my mind.

Or Massive Dynamics.

Don’t get between the dog and the door when it has to poop.

Yeah, I saw that movie. Didn’t end well for humans.

Door handles and human crotches are at roughly the same height from the floor. I’d be leery of a grabby robot just in case it cannot distinguish the difference.

Bill and that guy that kicks robots at BD sideways will be the first two casualties of the robot uprisings.

You win the stars today.

Skeletor’s cousin’s brother in law Fandor, the forgotten villian.

Nice to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t like eating under stress. I thought I was just becoming an irritable old codger. It seems that the trend has been to play music loudly so that patrons must raise voices to talk to each other . It’s like eating in a grade school cafeteria. I’m looking at you, Smokey Bones.

Same here . Time to buy stock in Fruit Of The Loom and Depends otherwise.

Yup. You’ve got that 💩 right!

Now that you mention it , I suppose I havent seen Kaopectate in a long time. I’ve lived with bowel issues my entire life. Generic Immodium is my BFF. One dose per day helps keep things normalish. I never knew it was a cousin to opiods.