
No toilets or food? They recycle. Think “Human Centipede” with only one person. ;)

Yes, those are giggle inducing. Even to those of us born and raised in Orlando.

Thanks. That was in my head. Also, excellent screen name!

Yeah, I heard that from a dear friend yesterday. I spent about ten years in the funeral business in my youth. More than one LEO told me they had never unbuckled a dead body. I did personally handle several bodies that did not use seatbelts. If the massive blunt force trauma from being hulk-slammed around the interior

Yup. So soft, like a cloud of Charmin.

Yeah. That might leave a bit of a permanent mark. Many years ago, I made one teensy mistake driving my 1997 crown vic. Due to seatbelts and airbags, I walked away with a minor abrasion rash on my forearms from the airbag and some bruising from the seatbelt. The airbag deployment was the scariest part. Thanks to

Owww. Just... Owww.

My all time favorite Christmas song is Christmas At Ground Zero by Weird Al.

Freaky is the BEST kind of wife.

I have a feeling that my State Farm agent would forcefully defecate squealing nematodes if I used my car to drive for Uber. If I accept money for driving people around in my car frequently, wouldn’t that make it a commercial vehicle if not a taxi?

I’ve been happy lately to start sharing with my wife the old tv series available on Amazon streaming. Currently we’re going through My Favorite Martian and Twilight Zone.

It took me FIVE years to kill off the urge to rewind once DVDs became widely available . LOL

Absolutely correct! Password recovery/crackers are evil or beneficial depending on who is wielding them (and why).

LOLing at “demented yam”. You win the internet today!

Anything with a glowing screen is evil. Always has been.

I’ve got a drawer full of older smartphones to use as spares. Between the two of us, over the long haul, there’s only been one shattered screen. It died with it’s case on. Fell just the wrong way onto a concrete patio. I spec and buy identical phones for the two of us, so, hey, time to upgrade again!!!

I believe they indeed will survive. At least in my area they went through a major recession without a scratch while other franchises closed up part of their stores.

...And get off of my lawn.

Gosh I’m old. I was in my early thirties back then. Still love Demolition Man.

I guess we’re weird. We have friends over to play local Halo slayer on four way split screen. Mountain Dew, pizza, giggling and laughing ensue. We love slaughtering each other.