
I’m an Old, too. LOL. I remember those plans.

Cellphones can stream Netflix and Amazon video nowadays, you young whippersnappers. Easy to use 50 gig a month per line. We’re retired and our home connection runs on cellular tech also. Our fixed cellular home usage hits 200-300 gig per month. We stream a lot of movies and TV shows, as well as web surfing. We don’t

I was indeed trying to poke fun at both TOS and my clumsy self.

So, the positronic brain sees it’s beginning. I welcome our robot overlords.

Sure we can! Florida!!!! LOL

Build in an IR blaster and I will buy one. TVs are always too darned loud in waiting rooms. And elderly parents houses when you are trying to talk to them.

“You’re a WINNER!”

My wife will now be carefully rewatching our old copies.

Nah. You are just the right kind of crazy to appreciate Fifth Element. Bruce plus Milla plus Gary plus all of the other perfect casting plus mostly practical effects plus action plus humor equals awesome. Beeg Badaboom! Aziz! Light!

I see that you enjoyed Motoblur as much as I did. ;)

In lieu of hard to obtain C4, I’d recommend a Sawzall. You’ll want a pack of blades that’ll go through their aluminum bones easily. ;)

We’re waaay past like in our household.

That was my very first thougt. Dude walks and falls just like a human. Next they will aspire to be better than human. Yikes.

Sadly, I was fresh out of Orion slave girls at the time. I also resisted the intense urge to rip my shirt off and show my hairy manboobs and saggy belly.

Tell that “nobody gets hurt” part to Tasha Yar. LOL And the generic red-shirted security guys that always beamed down with Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Plus, there is educational value. When the ladder I was on last year started falling to the left, I escaped injury by doing the patented James T. Kirk JumpNRoll.

Kids have it SO easy. When I was their age, you had to drive to the video rental store and grab some VHS tapes when you wanted to sex a girl.

I’d like to suggest that the greater Orlando, FL area be used as a live testbed for autonomous and autopiloted vehicles. Undoubtedly car insurance rates would plummet as the behavior of vehicles in the Orlando area became predictable. ;)

If that’s her “fat” picture above the story... She looks absolutely perfect to me. Give her my number. I’d be happy to bitch-slap the persons being nasty to her.

Well written. Thank you. That’s pretty much the story for us too. Mrs. Wookie loves baking cakes and making desserts and goodies when she is able. We feed them to the skinny family of six next door and take birthday cakes to a small , nearby assisted living facility.

Jack Palance