
You’ve got that right! Humans are disgusting animals.

I would have mine named John 117. Either that or Arbiter Of Doom. Or Cortanatron. I’m partial to the name Warthog Foehammer. ;)

Yeah, but specifically the computer must NOT be plugged into a power strip that is plugged into itself.

As an IT guy with over 25 years of experience, I can vouch for the fact that electronics perform better when turned on.

I’d vote for Dwayne for POTUS. How can you resist that big smile of his? His public persona is very likeable. Can Terry Crews be VP or Secretary of Defense?

I’ve discovered over the decades that adversity shines a bright light on who your true friends are. Adversity also will show you both the best AND the worst in the people you consider(ed) “friends”.

I think we should go back to old school methods. You know, like buying illegal weapons out of the trunk of some dude’s car for cash. You really lose the personal connection with your clients doing commerce via internet.

Perhaps the entire thing was staged to advertise for the gallery via internet buzz. Just a thought.

Are you me?

I dunno. I’d guess it was a descendant of the guy responsible for killing the original Star Trek series. You know, the same Star Trek that is STILL fanatically popular fifty years later after multiple spinoffs, movies, merchandising, animated series, and so on.

UNSC. ;)

Come on you apes! You want to live forever?

Come on you apes! You want to live forever?

You might refer to those difficult to open packages as “child proof”.

Yeah, I’d get tested after allowing three sweaty,  skanky strippers to rub themselves all over my crotch. Or at least get myself thoroughly steam cleaned with Clorox.

They’re hanging out with the Hershey’s chocolate syrup bottle.

Well, now, I can see where that might be a cool effect. I WOULD expect spotlight though, to maximize the glittery effect.

Turn your woohoo into a science fair project with Passion Dust!

Excellently worded. There are ALWAYS consequences to our choices.

Yup. Over the years had a long D cell maglite in the car too.