
Shelter dog Jenny. Been a part of our pack for eight years. Around ten years old. Found out last week that she has maybe a couple of months left. Can’t stop crying. She did make it to our retirement on nearly seven acres of woods though. Loves to dig, sandy back yard looks like a bombing range.

Aluminum peewee sized bats *might* be useful for cramped spaces, such as vehicle interiors. Or an ice pick. Or one of the short steel support bars from a 1960s school desk.

A star for the Dr. Horrible reference!

Hmmm. Now you’ve got me thinking. We do indeed have a few things in our “collection”, shall we call it, that COULD be used as weapons. ;)

How did you know my weapon of choice???

“Asshole Leprechaun” ? That paints a picture in my head of a mixture of Bad Milo and Finnegan (STTOS).

Sorry. I posted my comment to me wrong thread. I did get your point. I believe that throwing kids and adults in juvie, jail or prison just feeds and fuels the cycle.

Lock kids up for graffiti? Nope. But they should be forced to clean and repaint whatever they defaced.

Yeah, that was my thought too. I’m just old enough to remember that we used keep  the untreated mentally ill off of the streets by locking them away in horribly shitty abusive institutions. We abolished those. Now if you’re not mentally stable enough to work, you hit the streets. It’s not better or worse, just

Presidential aides mix shellac and polyurethane into his orange spray tan solution every morning. Pretty sure that’s what holds him together.

Criminy! I’m 56 already! I’ve got to get to work on my moral loss and ramp up my A-hole factors RIGHT NOW.

Yes. Killing zombies, fighting for the blue monkeys, helping Bloodrayne slaughter vampires, fighting the Covenant and the Flood, proving you’re just as good as the male S.W.A.T. team members... that kind of shit makes a lady REALLY hungry.

Stand clear. I know that look. She’s going to projectile vomit.

From a bottle. Maybe Smirnoff, maybe Xanax, maybe Percocet, maybe all three at once? Just guessing...

If the chlorine smell 50 feet from the pool makes your eyes water and nostrils burn, it’s okay to go in the water.

Or as the cows say, “Eat More Chicken!”.

Orca A to Orca B:

“Shark Oysters”? ;)

Maybe the killer whales are finally orca-nizing?
