
I tried to watch a few of PDP’s videos a few years back when he was doing game vids. I couldn’t stand the prolific amount of profanity coming out of his Pewdiepiehole. It was not funny nor did it add anything to his narration. I have not watched a single one of his videos since.

There’s no word for it. Klingons are ALWAYS loud. Therefore they just say “noise”.

Uh, Imma getting my mop right now.

I always have SO much trouble clutching my pearls while flogging someone.

After reading comments, I’m jealous of some but have sympathy for others. Retiring from a largeish city to the woods a couple hours away, I miss ye olde cable internet. Stable, fast, reliable, speeds up to 200 Mbps if you wanted it. Now we are so far in the woods it’s not funny. Finally found an outfit that sells

Yep. We bought a 70 inch Vizio for our new home. We mostly treat use it as a dumb display. I would have rather had the option to purchase the same TV without the “smarts” for a hundred or two less bucks. However, I’m pretty sure that our XboxOne has ratted us out to Microsoft. We use it for streaming Netflix and

Agreed. Don’t. Just don’t. Wear your shirt either fully out or fully tucked in. Male or female. Just don’t. You’re making my mother spin in her grave!

30 cent comics? You really are an Olde.

Or Walker and Texas Ranger, or T.R. as we like to call him.

Crap! Now I have to get dressed and go to Circle K .for some Colt. Thanks Billy Dee. Dangit, he’s as persuasive as Bill Clinton.

I’m not attracted to men at all, but I’ve always thought Billy Dee was strikingly handsome. Carl Weathers, too.

Most people nowadays ARE full time assholes. I try hard to keep my assholiness factor down under ten percent of my waking hours. Some days it aint easy to do.

Carol Burnett is a national treasure.

A rat trap would make you WISH it had depeenitated you. Bruising and swelling for weeks. There’s not enough ice in Antarctica for that pain.

In my best Star Wars voice:

Hmmm... time to vpn OUT of the US ...

I see Musk more as a Blazing Saddles type villian. With a Slim Pickens type henchman.

Can I get some harrumphs?

Are you absolutely SURE that the BROWN tiles mean under GROUND??? ;)

Are you absolutely SURE that the BROWN tiles mean under GROUND??? ;)