
Precisely. Keep your s#!t off of the internet. It really is that simple. Make the bad guys get off of their buttocks and drive to your business.

Very well said.

True, even for IT upper management. Do not ask me how I know this. :/

Now, I will have to go ponder that for a while in the corner.

Howard The Duck movie was a true classic.

Meet The Kitchen Sink’s newest crime-fighting partner, Bathtub.

Well, yes, they are. There is no dark without light, no light without the darkness. Meet S.H.I.E.L.D., a division of Hydra. How else do you think SHIELD is so easily infiltrated by Hydra agents? ;)

Damn it all. Temporarily off my meds, and now this. Leaking badly now.

Noone wears an eyepatch better than Angelina Jolie.

OK. Usually I don’t care for watching superhero cartoond. But I will promise to try out some with Mark Hamill Joker. I’m old, so I measure all Jokers by Jack Nicholson. I have yet to see the last few Batmovies. Or Supermovies for that matter.

Yes, people will indeed set child porn as wallpaper on their computer.

Honesty is always best. We can almost always fudge things in your favor instead of going strictly by the book.

I’m from the old days, before you could remotely view a client’s screen. You literally had to become half detective and half psychic working on the help desk.

Yes, we IT folks deal with stuff like that all day, every day. We are actually thrilled when presented with a REAL software or hardware problem.

I once had to send a desktop tech to troubleshoot a No Power issue that I couldnt resolve over the phone. The problem? PC, monitor, etc were plugged into the power strip just fine. The power strip, however, was plugged into itself. I kid you not.

This times a gazillion. I swear upon my IBM AS/400 Professional Operator certificate that there were a handfull of users that I walked through rebooting for ten years. Over and over, several times each month.

Klingon zits and Data’s firm boobs FTW. Comic treasure!

It feels like we’re being pecked to death by ducks!

Janeway was too polite to do that to them after she saw their hairstyles.

It must suck terribly to be the only race the Borg sent an email to with a Nope GIF instead of attacking and assimilating.