
I disagree. I’d love to see a Voyager movie. Mine would be captained by an older, heavier Janeway with spikey red hair and a Russian accent. She was disgraced after her original return... in order to redeem herself with Starfleet, she must lead a multicultural crew of cranky female convicts on a hopeless suicide

Is that on the shelf next to Lysol at Walmart?

It was that way when I was a kid. WASP Caucasians mostly though.

Future IT management!

Wow. I never knew House spoke French. How suave!

OK. Not usually a fan of pranks, but this one was cute. And the creepy Ring actress still has her creep powers. There’s just something so weird and not natural about the way she climbs out. I’d have to get some selfies and an autograph. Great job by the promoters!

Shouldnt it be POTUSA or POTUSoA anyhow? Just saying.

I put that original tweet right next to the unedited Nixon tapes in the secret bunker’s safe.

Organic = Made From Organs.

Just like Deadpool!

What good is a dog house without a TV and an adjustable bed????

Yeah, yikes is correct. The upside is we own nearly 7 acres of wooded property. Most properties in our neighborhood are 4-5 acres. After growing up in Orlando, I’m pretty sure that we have died and gone to heaven. We knew internet would be iffy. Our neighbors are awesome. Oh yeah, this house, built in 1978, was a

We subscribe to Netflix streaming with bluray discs and Amazon Prime. Those two services plus an internet connection do cost about what cable tv plus internet used tto. However, NO frickin commercials.

Viagra. My dad is 90.

Maybe I’m sentimental, but I have collected OSes from DOS 5.1 upward. Even have a few Win95 copies still shrinkwrapped.

I’m SO old, I remember watching our TV stations sign on early in the morning and sign off late at night. IIRC, they showed video of the American flag waving with the Star Spangled Banner playing just prior to going off air for the night.

I only come here for the headlines.

They ALL look like PeeWee. I suggest the filter be renamed to the PeeWee Filter.

It would damage a nine year old boy just as much. At 56 I really appreciate why my parents didn’t want me playing football in high school .

From my Old perspective, she’s going have a lot of hand and joint upper body pain by the time she hits forty.