
Depends on how old their junk is. I’m in an older LaQuinta in a tourist area. Motel WiFi is UNencrypted and has no forced disclaimer/splash page. It’s pretty fast and has strong signal though. Anything important I switch to my cell provider data network for though.

Yup. I think it was a YAG laser. Your body tends to grow cells over the new lens. A little zapping takes care of the film.

There is an ongoing conspiracy to make all labeling too microscopic to be read by normal humans. :\

Yeah. A lousy TV show screwing around with peoples’ feelings and wasting their time and money should be criminal.

Genetic defect in my case. Mom and her father both showed same defect, but to much lesser extent. It’s a common misconception that most can be corrected all the way to 20/20. My color vision is lousy too. If I look at a known bright white light source one eye sees it with slight orange hue and the other eye with a

Lifetime member of the crappy eyeball club here. Born defective. Eyes so bad laser ssurgeries wouldn’t correct enough. Had elective lens implants done. Same as cataract surgery but lens has correction built in. That was 2004. No complications, no issues so far. I’m still horribly nearsighted, same vision as with very

Can I get a red laser beam in mine?

And market it to sailors.

The National Enquirer Gawker isn’t. ;)

Alf says they taste like chicken.

True. I sighed up to do the check deposit by phone thing, but haven’t used it. I’m spoiled to direct deposits and a branch downstairs where I work.

Hmmmm.....many possible avenues of acquisition. I suppose it would also release on DVD/Blu-ray eventually also. I have been thinking about adding an Amazon Prime membership lately.

Gosh how I miss her.

I’m not paying 174 bucks for sneakers unless they are hand delivered in person by Sigourney Weaver and smell of her dainty feet.

Me too. I was completely unaware of the remake until I saw this article. Awesome. I will watch it, but will likely wait for it to find it’s way to Netflix.

You had me at “perfumed unicorn farts”. :)

I don’t get it. If your winphone isn’t supported by your bank, why not use the browser on the phone? I tend to use browser vs apps about 50/50. Some apps are lousy and don’t have 100 percent of the functionality of the business’s web page.

Sadly, in my personal life, I have to relearn the concept about every five years. Mrs. Wookie loves me anyway.

Aw poop. Left a word out.
